100% Natural & Pure African Shea Butter. Excellent Skin Healer & Moisturizer.

Instructions on How to use Shea Butter as a moisturizer to treat dermatitis and other skin issues.
Place a dime size of Shea butter into your palm and rub between palms to heat up Shea butter. Liberally apply to your body.

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All profits are used to support Together Systems non-profit goals of increasing entrepreneurship in under-developed communities.

The Science Of Unrefined Shea Butter

The Healing Power Of Shea Butter

The components of most seed oils can be divided into two important categories. The first is called the saponifiabe fraction which contain most of the moisturizing properties. The second category is called the nonsaponifiable fraction, which contain most of the healing properties. What sets shea butter and oil apart from other seed and nut oils and butters is its exceptionally large nonsaponifiable fraction; containing important nutrients, vitamins and other valuable phytonutrients required for healing. While having an excellent moisturizing fraction, in most other seed oils and butters the healing fraction is very small, often 1% or less. Shea butter, depending on the source and processing methods, has a nonsaponifiable fraction of 5% up to as much as 17%. Because shea butter has such a high percentage of nonsaponifiables, in addition to its moisturizing qualities, regular use of this natural cream can effectively treat many of the skin problems listed above. It is out of these unique healing properties that the Karite tree came to be known as the Tree of Life .

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Naturally High In Vitamin A

The components of most seed oils can be divided into two important categories. The first is called the saponifiabe fraction which contain most of the moisturizing properties. The second category is called the nonsaponifiable fraction, which contain most of the healing properties. What sets shea butter and oil apart from other seed and nut oils and butters is its exceptionally large nonsaponifiable fraction; containing important nutrients, vitamins and other valuable phytonutrients required for healing. While having an excellent moisturizing fraction, in most other seed oils and butters the healing fraction is very small, often 1% or less. Shea butter, depending on the source and processing methods, has a nonsaponifiable fraction of 5% up to as much as 17%. Because shea butter has such a high percentage of nonsaponifiables, in addition to its moisturizing qualities, regular use of this natural cream can effectively treat many of the skin problems listed above. It is out of these unique healing properties that the Karite tree came to be known as the Tree of Life .

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Stretch Mark & Cellulite

Apply daily to prevent stretch marks

Stretch marks appear as the result of tearing of the skin dermis. Such kind of problems appear during the pregnancy, in the time of a rapid weight growth that causes skin stretch. According to the results of researches the application of shea butter on stretch marks helps to diminish their appearance and prevent the development of this problem. Shea butter helps stretch marks not to develop because it is rich in vitamin A that is very helpful in the increasing of skin elasticity. Regularly application of shea butter on the problem areas of skin is a good way to reduce the appearance and development of stretch marks. Because of the application of Vitamin A, the skin becomes more supple, that is very helpful for skin stretching during pregnancy. So, the application of shea butter is a great way to prevent the development of stretch marks.

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Click To Buy Our Shea Butter On Etsy
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